Monday, September 29, 2008

Yesterday Morning

I have thought long and hard about what lies below this paragraph. I don't know if anyone of consequence to this situation actually reads this blog. At this point I don't care. Maybe, this isn't the right thing to do. It's the only option that I feel like I have.

My answer yesterday was a cop out. I wanted so badly to scream in rage out at you. I have never felt so protective of someone I know so little about. You are her sister. She is YOUR SISTER!!!!!! How could you say those things. How could you air her laundry for the world to see without her there to defend herself? How could you tell all of that without the history? How could you not take partial responsibility for her feeling so isolated in her own home that she doesn't want to come home? I will never understand what you did. EVER! I know that you don't agree with what is going on. I know that in your eyes and the eyes of your family she is making a huge mistake. I know that you think you know best. Then I must ask what kind of example have you lead?
I hate more than anything when parents say that adult older children are the example for younger adult children. By the time you are an adult you should be making your own choices free and clear from the shadow of your siblings. But still I know that your family believes in this sort of thing so I must say what example have you set. You were in a volatile, to but it nicely, relationship with a person that you claim to have loved but can't stop pulling through the mud at every opportunity. Is that what you want for your sister? Really?
You had no business talking about your sister like this. As if you have been nothing but a support system to her and truly can't understand her desire to not be looked down upon. People talk, we all know that your relationship isn't exactly supportive.
So, I stand by my answer of not knowing the ins and outs. I know that I am missing pieces. I also know that as her sister, you should never go behind her back and call her out in that manner. A family is supposed to be a source of love and companionship, not a source of strife where everyone but the person who you are miffed at knows the source of aggravation. If you want it to get better you have to work at it. And you have to work at it fairly.
You should feel lucky that everyone doesn't know every failure that you have had in your faith. I can't believe you. I just can't believe that behavior.