Thursday, December 13, 2007

Today, I am alone

Christmas break has officially sarted at school. All of the faculty and students are gone. For some stupid reason I have to hang around here until next week. I'm not coming to work tomorrow. It makes me depressed and I don't like feeling that way. So my boss is gone to the cold country. Okay really she's out on a boat this afternoon...I can't tell you how jealous I am. Although I would just end up sun burnned and miserable. Maybe I'm not so jealous. At any rate, tomorrow she heads off to the cold country and I can't help but want to go to. I'll be headed north after Christmas and I must say that I can not wait!!!!!

I have major present issues going on right now. I'm having a bit of a brain cramp and can't think of anything supper cool to give to my nephews or there parents, and lets not talk about my friends here. So, while my family Christmas shopping is done, I am not done shopping in the least way.

In other news, the world is good for me right now. Things are good with Ben's job and the puppy. He hates wearing clothes, but he is just so darn cute when he does where them. Yeah I'm one of those puppy parents. I don't make him do it often and it may be the ticket to a calm Christmas at my house becuase when you but the clothes on him he just lays down and chills. Yeah I know that's mean but it isn't hurting him and it is so darn cute.

I decided today to invite my brother to my house for Christmas. He really messed up awhile ago and I thought I might never forgive him, but not forgiving him is only hurting me and I'm ready to move on. He is too, as he has been making leaps and bounds to solid, contributing member of society. So, I hope he comes, and I hope he bring shis puppy Daisey. That would make my sister's holiday for sure.

Okay So I guess I should get busy on the rest of my to do list for today.

Much Love