Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the silence of aggravation

Its quite now, I can hear the building creaking and the last drops of water dripping from the roof. Its odd how much a person can think about when there isn't any noise to block out the heart. The list is coming along, it seems like there really isn't enough to do but, then it seems like I can always find fault with the way it feels here. Something is always out of place and there is always something to do. My mind wanders to the wonderful things that have been happening in my life. Also the not so wonderful things. There has been drama, and I am concerned. I haven't thought of a way to get through it, in fact I really think there isn't one. Only to be strong against those who have hate and jealousy in there hearts and minds. Also, I am concerned because my bestie has gone MIA and I can't seem to get back to her. Maybe Mama Mia will bring us back together again. Hopefully! Wandering, wandering, wondering mind I feel all over the place these days, but then the only focus I have at work is ticking off the list and the days until there is someone else to talk to. If ever you wanted to torture a person, give them a list and a space devoid of any communication. I don't remember it being so bad last year, but then it's probably one of those things that I've just erased from my brain. clean shop and one more thing checked off the list!