Monday, July 14, 2008


To the right and down below my about me you will find a new favorite song. I couldn't just post the lyrics because well, there aren't very many and it would look stupid. It's not just the lyrics anyway it's the whole song. Hopefully it plays on auto play, if not just press play. It's a live version so the spoken part in the middle isn't really part of the song but, it gives it a certain something that I didn't really mind.

P.S. I love you

P.P. S. the whole it's/ its thing still confuses me and I have no idea when or how to use it. I can't really believe that I just admitted that, now I'll have to find out the answer and post a blog just to educate all the confused people like me.

enough of that, enjoy the song.

Thank you Katy! What would I do without your elementary explanation. By the way, my favorite part of the song was replaced by the spoken sad :(


Katy said...

it's = it is

Ex. It's hot outside

its = possession

Ex. The baby threw its bottle.

You wouldn't say: "The baby threw it is bottle."

If you can replace 'its' with 'it is' put the appostrophe in there!!

Hope that helps. Can't wait to see you!!