Wednesday, June 25, 2008

doors, doors, doors

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
-Flora Whittemore

To often in my life I have heard metaphors about doors. You know the ones about closed doors and open windows or rather another opened door. I never cared much for them because they don't offer an opportunity for you to take responsibility for why the door closed. I love this quote because it gives ownership of the action. I have allowed doors to close that maybe, I should have kept open. I have allowed myself to stand screaming at a closed door. I have learned from those mistakes. For once I feel like I opened the right door, at just the right moment. Even though things are less stable than I would like at the moment everything is just fine. Now, I only have to decide which door is next. At least Maxwell Smart only has to walk down the hallway, there isn't any choice in which door is next.