Monday, October 8, 2007

A New Week, A New Hope

So, Katy did end up calling Friday night. What a relief, going back to look at that post I was being such a baby. I just needed to see my buddy. So, Saturday was spent at MGM and Epcot just walking around doing fun stuff with Katy and Dan. We went to see the baby for a bit, that was supper fun. Jackson is getting so huge...but he is such a sweet baby! I just want to tell Dan thank you so much for letting me come and hang out with Katy. One of these days we need to spend some time really getting to know each other, I mean after all you did marry my wifey.

Sunday was spent hanging out with my daddy. That was so much fun, we bowled and had a good time. Hanging out is always a great time with him. Sunday night Ben and I went on a date to celebrate his new job and a new beginning and then went to the book store where I must say that I did splurge but brought home 3 books for $20 so that's good.

Today, I'm at work by myself for a good part of the day as Lynnsey is out shopping for the show. Speaking of the show we have only a week left until dress rehearsals begin. That's a week until we should be done with everything. It's coming along nicely, we should make it. We have all day Saturday if we need it although I would love to be done long before that.

Also Ben starts his new job this morning so that should be loads of fun and a great time.

Well off to actually get some work done. Starting with a cup of coffee and breakfast, then on to clean off this mountain of a mess I call a desk.