Monday, October 15, 2007

Hell week

So when I was in college, hell week was the week before finals. The week when all of my teachers did their best to cram in everything that they didn't get taught in the semester, and then expected us to know well enough for the final. The week when I spent every night at the library until two in the morning with different study groups for different subjects and still feeling like I was never going to pass.

Now, I get to live through a different kind of hell week. This would be dress and the opening of the show at school. So here is the recipe for this hell week

Start with a theater that isn't working right after some work over the summer

Add tech students who are still learning and frustrated because things just aren't working

A dash of actor drama just for spice

Bake for several hours under the grueling light that are working.

Finish with whipped topping of costumes that are still being finished

Now you have the perfect recipe for near disaster and one great hell week.