Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Freezing!

So I'm a few days behind on Radvent. There are a couple of entries that I wrote in my physical journal. A love letter to myself and an entry about forgiveness. The next two entries are a playlist from the year and going on an adventure. Sadly I didn't have time for an adventure today but I think I can squeeze one in tomorrow. And I'm working on a playlist. I'm not sure how to get one up here and what exactly I want to put on it. I have a few ideas.

In the mean time it's is freezing cold here. My fingers are turning blue and I think I'll have to break down and turn the heat up because otherwise I might not be able to get to sleep. I'm almost finished with a project that just keeps hanging around and I'll be glad when it's done! Maybe I'll even post some pictures.

Also working on Christmas. I keep making the same list over and over and then realizing I already made that list. It's like part of my brain is just not functioning. Maybe it's the cold. Hopefully I'll be able to get a little bit accomplished when I go on my adventure tomorrow. Oh and it's Matthew's birthday on Thursday...maybe a gift is in that adventure too!

I'm going to go try to get warm. Maybe with some coffee or a down blanket and flannel pjs.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Radvent Day 2

Focus on one drawer, table, or surface today and spend 15 minutes making it pretty! (And take a pretty picture afterward to motivate yourself!)

I have occasional love affairs with organization. I love a folder with lots of dividers, everything in it's place. But mostly I live in a state of just organized enough. Some of that has to do with having to much stuff, some of that is because I function well in a little bit of a mess and most of the reason revolves around never being able to find anything when everything is put away. The exception to this rule is usually my work space although lately my storage area at work has grown into a BEAST. I meant to tackle that project today but found myself distracted with a box of loveliness that arrived in the morning and then students in the afternoon working on final projects. So, I set out to clean up the bookshelf in my bedroom instead.

Before Shot 1

Before Shot 2

This book case is in my bedroom. It is a catch all for just about everything. It gets out of control quickly and it just stays that way. It's a complicated system of books because I read a lot. The books not shelved are waiting to be read. The books on top are read and waiting to get passed on or put away.

After Shot 1

After Shot 2

SO MUCH BETTER! The books on the top are now waiting for the next trip to Goodwill even though I just went today in an effort to clear out some clutter that's been hanging around in the living room. Some of those books to be read have never peaked my interest enough to actually pick them up so may be it's time to let them go too. And I went ahead and cleaned up the top of the dresser too. Maybe cleaning the fan will make it to the to0do list after this weekend.

It feels good to see the shelves again.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The First Day of Radvent

What were you doing five years ago today? As the holiday season began? Where were you? Who were you with? What did you want? What did you have?

Five years ago seems like an entire lifetime ago! December of 2005 I was living in Kentucky. Richmond, Kentucky to be exact. Going to school at Eastern Kentucky University. Weeks before I had learned that it would be my last year as I had my second to last advising appointment and the scheduling elves seemed to have been on my side. I was dating a guy who would become a very big mistake for me. At the time though we were blissful and not looking forward to spending the holidays apart.

One of the strongest memories I have from this time is building friendships with people that have become such a big part of my life. We were just getting to know each other and it was exciting to see that we were going to be great friends. I remember watching my 'nephew' who was really the young son of one of those friends. And I remember being excited that this couple was going to be having a baby in a few short months!

I know that after the holidays things started to move really fast at school as I was looking for a place to intern and trying desperately not to come home. I ended up coming home to work at a men's clothing store in town and I can see now that that was for the best. I wanted so badly to work in merchandising for menswear and I had no idea how to get there. After that internship I totally changed gears. The attitude of the people that I was working with had a lot to do with me leaving.

I moved on to the job I have now, which is the best job ever. It allows me to be creative and work in a place of great freedom with lots of tools. I love what I'm doing now and I'm sad that the future seems to be holding a move away from this place.

That mistake of an ex would later move to FL and we got engaged even when I could feel that we were falling apart. It took a whole year to summon the courage to walk away from that train wreck. But I gained so much, learned so much about myself and really put myself in a better place.

Five years ago I had new friends that are still such a huge part of my life, I had the freedom that comes with college and the fear that comes with seeing the end in sight, I had a loving family, I had a hand to hold. I wanted to break out, to do something great with my life, to be a success. I would say that I'm still on that same path except the definition of success seems to be coming into focus a little differently.

-Pamela Joyce

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Return of Sorts

It has been so long since I have written here. But, I have decided to blow out the cobwebs and give it another try. I feel like I have missed a huge opportunity to be able to go back and look at what I've done in the past year or two. It has been amazing and I wish that I could re-read it for myself. So, with a little help I plan to do my best to get it together here.

I have been following Princess Lasertron for a long time. I love her blog and her products and her creativity and her awesomeness. She became a huge part of my wedding by supplying all of the parts and pieces to my flowers. She is doing a blog journaling project and I figured what better way to jump back in than to be following a project.

So, it starts tomorrow. We'll see what's in store. I must say I am quite excited!

Pamela Joyce

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Testing 1, 2, 3...
Trying out mobile blogging, we'll see how this goes.